Friday, May 2, 2008

Clinton, in Her Element ( Stage V )

This is an article from the Washington Post on May 2, 2008 by Dan Balz. Clinton has slim hopes of winnning the Democratic nomination. Another pre-primary is coming along and Clinton needs a win pretty badly and she wants Barack Obama to "stumble". I see that the main part of this issue is that Clinton needs superdelegates to "swing in her direction". She does not seem to stop despite of harsh criticism and a busy schedule during the election. Women favor Senator Clinton more than men do, but some women are skeptical i.e., the older and married women because they "do not admire her", they "do not trust her", and think that "she is a socialist". But Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is determined to go all the way until she gets defeated or until she wins. She will go all the way, now that she has come so far. Throughout the campaign her main focus has been on "jobs and working families" and she is intending to target that crowd to get the attention. The votes from Indiana and North Carolina are crucial for her so that she will be able to know where she stands. I personally favor Senator Barack Obama because I feel that if he wins the democratic side he has the potential to win it all.

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