Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lefty Loosy, Righty Tighty ( Stage VIII )

Wow!!! What a fantastic commentary by my fellow classmate Eric Levi in Stage 7. I totally believe his argument on this matter. $600 is not enough to do the marvels for a long-time. There are tons of people out there who will go crazy over the amount and spend it on unwanted things or just use to pay-off their debts, but in the end the "debt collectors" will be the ones to get the richness out of it all. Don't get me wrong. There are people out there who really really need this money, and might just use it for a good cause but in the end it just might not help them much. Like Eric pointed out, this will not solve our economic status, nor will it make it better, it would just worsen the situation even more. And looking at the gas prices I also believe that the $153 billion used for the "stimulus package" should be instead used for regulating oil companies. I believe this will benefit the 90% out there who are so much stressed out over gas issues. I asked my Chemistry teacher the other day, how many parties he has been to lately, and his response was. Parties... what parties? I cannot afford gas, so if there is a party in downtown, guess what? I am not going. And I said, well then, that makes two of us.

Man convicted of 14 felonies ( Stage VII )

Since we were covering topics like criminal laws and things of that nature, I figured this would be the right time to share my views on a recent article from Austin American Statesman by Andrea Lorenz. This story is about a 24 year old man, Mojica Carmona, who has been convicted of 14 felonies. Are you kidding me ? Seriously! 14 felonies ! Just last week he was found guilty of abusing his three children. "The jury also found him guilty of breaking the children's bones and not giving them enough food to eat. Come on now this is completely insane. I mean this guy is a sick bastard ! The jury has been aiming towards sentencing Mojica Carmona life behind bars but his attorneys want jury to consider probation instead. Carmona has a past history of abusing "his 4-year-old daughter and 3-year-old twins, by hitting, whipping", and leaving "scars" which would perhaps never heal. When the court did a background search on Carmona, they found that he had an abusive childhood, which lead him into acting in this manner. Even though Carmona went through a bad phase of life, he was given chances to be a better citizen and above all a better dad but he managed to get himself addicted to "cocaine". Despite of all this I just can't believe that his attorneys are fighting on his behalf. How can someone be so cold-blooded ? How can they not understand that when this man walks out that freebie door, he will be that same beast again ! This Pyscho does not deserve to live for what pain and suffering he has caused to these innocent little ones. Everybody has to pay the price one day or another.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Uprising in Gas Prices ( Stage VI )

I am commenting on Never Ending Politics. I agree with Amber's thoughts on the gas prices. I have seen a significant rise in gas prices in just a matter of month, and it is simply ridiculous. I used to spent around fifty dollars to fill up my car with premium, and now it takes me around $40 to just fill it up with the mid grade. Things are already starting to heat up and people are loosing their minds. Due to that, another big issue in the election has come up to be concerning the gas prices. Especially in a world where people go from one gas station to another trying to save three cents on a gallon. Me being a college student, it is also hard for me since the money which I could possibly use for lunch or buying books is spent on gas. I would really enjoy walking to school, or taking a bus, or possibly riding a bike, but unfortunately I live quite far to do that. I do not expect for the gas prices to drop down significantly or to even decrease at a lower rate but I am atleast hoping that the gas prices are kept in control otherwise things will definately get out of hand. Peace.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Clinton, in Her Element ( Stage V )

This is an article from the Washington Post on May 2, 2008 by Dan Balz. Clinton has slim hopes of winnning the Democratic nomination. Another pre-primary is coming along and Clinton needs a win pretty badly and she wants Barack Obama to "stumble". I see that the main part of this issue is that Clinton needs superdelegates to "swing in her direction". She does not seem to stop despite of harsh criticism and a busy schedule during the election. Women favor Senator Clinton more than men do, but some women are skeptical i.e., the older and married women because they "do not admire her", they "do not trust her", and think that "she is a socialist". But Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is determined to go all the way until she gets defeated or until she wins. She will go all the way, now that she has come so far. Throughout the campaign her main focus has been on "jobs and working families" and she is intending to target that crowd to get the attention. The votes from Indiana and North Carolina are crucial for her so that she will be able to know where she stands. I personally favor Senator Barack Obama because I feel that if he wins the democratic side he has the potential to win it all.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Leaders to watch McCain's visit ( Stage IV )

Oh my! Mc Cain is heading to Iraq. Do you guys ever wonder why he is flying to Iraq? To encourage our troops? To represent patriotism? Yes?... No? Well, think again guys! Hey, wait a minute... isn't Mc Cain a republican? The answer is not that hard but we have to dig into the past and look at several other events which probably led to the "War on Terrorism." It all started on a chaotic September morning, as it was told by the "mass media" .... Just after 9/11, the fellow Americans heard President Bush's comforting message. He calmed the Americans down and then launched an attack on "terrorrism". Little did Americans know that there was still more terror to come. When the Iraq War began the Americans were ready to march in and destroy the terror but as time went on they began to realize that the war was not intended to protect, but it was rather intended to forcefully justify power of one nation over another! Americans were emotionally hurt when several thousand innocent soldiers lost their lives and the US economy worsened. War was not the solution to "end of terrorism" or was it a solution to solving the "fuel" problem in US ??? Well, whatever it is... the Americans could not trust the politicians like they used to. But how can the "republicans" step down ... after all they are "The Republicans". If they change their opinions and say that they were wrong, how will they get those seats. Well,... that brings us to our point. Isn't Mc Cain a republican? Yes, and that's what he is flying out represent "The Republicans"... Maybe a campaining startegy to protect his seat?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

McCain switched tax views to win votes ( Stage III )

Yet another great example of the political world? Ideas flow from one mind to another. Yes that right! That's what politics is all about. Politic leaders have been changing people's attitudes and their judgements through their words and promises. Fake promises? Changing Lanes? Self-interest? While the mass media being our guests and primary suppliers of entertainment. In a recent Houston Chronicle article by Charles Bibington, Sen. Barrack Obama said "Sen. John McCain reversed his position on President Bush's deep tax cuts in order to win the Republican presidential nomination." I personally do like Obama's point of views on Iraq War but here he is indirectly insisting on raising taxes to fulfill his campaign promises and keep his party going. Wouldn't that hurt our fragile economy in the long run? Now let's move over to John Mc Cain. He opposed the tax-cuts in the past because it did not come with spending cuts but that's not what he said at the time. In 2001, Mc Cain said, "President Bush's $1.35 trillion tax cuts benefited the wealthy at the expense of the middle class." In 2003, Mc Cain said "he opposed $350 billion tax-cuts because cost of the Iraq War and the aftermath were still unknown." If you noticed, in both statements not even once did he mention "spending cuts". However, in 2008 he completely changed his view points on tax-cuts. He wants to make the "Bush tax-cuts" permanent ??? Come on now... Will you please stop changing your places John?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What is RON PAUL really upto ? ( Stage II )

I have been searching for an intriguing article for quite some time now, and I finally found something superbly interesting. I read an Feb 13 article by Many Strom, on Ron Paul. The article talks about how one man is set out to make a difference on "the land of free and the braves." Yes!!! that's right. This article is about the "March on Washington". Dr. Ron Paul is plannning to have a grand rally in Washington three to four months prior to the national convention. What is the purpose of this rally? Well, that's a good question! It's all about getting the media's attention, it's all about people engaging and interacting together to find their objectives or to rather stand firm and fight for their rights. Isn't that great? As Many Strom points out in the article, "the fight for liberty is never ending. It requires all of us, doing everything we can to protect the fragile flame of liberty." Presidential elections are like sports games to me; very long and puzzling games until the last minute. Out of all the interesting things happening in the 2008 elections, Ron Paul stands out the most to me. He has been the man to openly point out the crucial weaknesses of the US government; from tensions caused by 9/11 and the War in Iraq to the high taxes formed by the government. He even made courageful comments at the Covert Center in Columbia, South Carolina for presidential debate where he stated that "we invited the attacks of September 11." His notion is to point out that a land of peace and opportunity should be working towards anti-war and towards individual freedom rights which would lead to prosperity. Along with his comments and his courageful truth he is becoming a sudden spark on internet and in the presidential election. His objectives are pretty much straightforward but his real motives are still uncertain. Well, I guess we'll just have to wait for now. Time will reveal the secrets!