Friday, March 14, 2008

Leaders to watch McCain's visit ( Stage IV )

Oh my! Mc Cain is heading to Iraq. Do you guys ever wonder why he is flying to Iraq? To encourage our troops? To represent patriotism? Yes?... No? Well, think again guys! Hey, wait a minute... isn't Mc Cain a republican? The answer is not that hard but we have to dig into the past and look at several other events which probably led to the "War on Terrorism." It all started on a chaotic September morning, as it was told by the "mass media" .... Just after 9/11, the fellow Americans heard President Bush's comforting message. He calmed the Americans down and then launched an attack on "terrorrism". Little did Americans know that there was still more terror to come. When the Iraq War began the Americans were ready to march in and destroy the terror but as time went on they began to realize that the war was not intended to protect, but it was rather intended to forcefully justify power of one nation over another! Americans were emotionally hurt when several thousand innocent soldiers lost their lives and the US economy worsened. War was not the solution to "end of terrorism" or was it a solution to solving the "fuel" problem in US ??? Well, whatever it is... the Americans could not trust the politicians like they used to. But how can the "republicans" step down ... after all they are "The Republicans". If they change their opinions and say that they were wrong, how will they get those seats. Well,... that brings us to our point. Isn't Mc Cain a republican? Yes, and that's what he is flying out represent "The Republicans"... Maybe a campaining startegy to protect his seat?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

McCain switched tax views to win votes ( Stage III )

Yet another great example of the political world? Ideas flow from one mind to another. Yes that right! That's what politics is all about. Politic leaders have been changing people's attitudes and their judgements through their words and promises. Fake promises? Changing Lanes? Self-interest? While the mass media being our guests and primary suppliers of entertainment. In a recent Houston Chronicle article by Charles Bibington, Sen. Barrack Obama said "Sen. John McCain reversed his position on President Bush's deep tax cuts in order to win the Republican presidential nomination." I personally do like Obama's point of views on Iraq War but here he is indirectly insisting on raising taxes to fulfill his campaign promises and keep his party going. Wouldn't that hurt our fragile economy in the long run? Now let's move over to John Mc Cain. He opposed the tax-cuts in the past because it did not come with spending cuts but that's not what he said at the time. In 2001, Mc Cain said, "President Bush's $1.35 trillion tax cuts benefited the wealthy at the expense of the middle class." In 2003, Mc Cain said "he opposed $350 billion tax-cuts because cost of the Iraq War and the aftermath were still unknown." If you noticed, in both statements not even once did he mention "spending cuts". However, in 2008 he completely changed his view points on tax-cuts. He wants to make the "Bush tax-cuts" permanent ??? Come on now... Will you please stop changing your places John?